Monday, October 12, 2015

The Gravity of Truth

Gravity keeps us on solid ground, but a gravity of truth keeps us in reality. So by chance we don't float away somewhere in the wonder of imagination. It's when the mind drifts into imagination we return with ideas, like the one that found these words to explain itself. We motion to and from imagination to speak freely and from the heart, to create works of art, to improvise with musical instruments. From this motion we are inspired write without the restrictions of ego, fear, prejudice or pride. Those who keep a clear view of reality will maintain a very high value of truth. They understand that everything that happens passes with time and within this gravity, simply by happening. When we recognize this core value of truth in others, we feel the bonds of honesty and so begins trust. What builds the pillars of trust does not destroy them, it may only rebuild them. 

We can only slightly influence the gravity of truth here in reality, but we can never escape it. Although we can easily overcome its effects with the energy of thought, and effortlessly leave reality with short bursts into the boundless depths of imagination. Outside of reality and within imagination, emotional energy is distinctive and unmistakable. Here, love is purely the light by which we can see past the darkness of fear. In the mind, everything we understand is illuminated by the love that created us, and taught us to learn for ourselves, and thus to understand. And just as the sun shines on this earth to those who will see it, love shines on the souls of those who will feel it. This is what truth feels like.

Copyright 2015
Archie Papa...


  1. The gravity of truth, never came across this topic but reading it today felt the reality behind it. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I'm not sure if I'm understanding....
