Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Energy in the Current of Life

We don't carry possessions along the real paths of life. What is real are feelings we have, and not just words we use to describe them. Our paths in life are uniquely our own, it's where we've taken the energy we are born with. Energy in motion is fused and mapped into memory one frame at a time, this creates the path. When feelings and thoughts vibrate in harmony, we can look back along the path with a sense of journey. We can also focus and see pure positive and negative energy in each frame. The contrast in the polarity of energy creates the very image. That which makes the journey through life so unique, is exactly where we place emotional mile markers along the way. No two paths are the same.

If we are the energy of light, we are feeling our way through the darkness. There is only path behind us my friends. Although darkness contains the negativity of fear, without it the darkness is simply tomorrow. We do not create or destroy energy, nor do we control it, we direct it's path. We are a system or network, we are chemical and mineral, and yet water based and air breathing. We are alive with energy. 

We are energy in the current of life...

Copyright 2014
Archie Papa...

Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Core Understanding of Truth

Honesty is a oneness, with respect and value for the idea of truth. By realizing and centering the idea of truth, information set around it is learned, and fused into memory. The meaning of truth is a foundation or core understanding, one we place all the knowledge we've gained in life upon. There is enough gravity to form the core from the second we realize the simple vastness of numerical truth. From a very young age we begin placing knowledge around the core. Knowing what is true from experience, is the value of having the experience. We reach into memory to find truth, regardless of how we color it with expression. 

The core understanding of truth is equally as powerful as our belief system. This system receives energy filtered through the core, it radiates and collects around it like an atmosphere. With time, this system gives life to hope, and great depth to faith. 

Energy constantly moves through the core, inward with acceptance and outward with denial. The idea and understanding of reality could not solidify without the gravity of truth. Honesty is a direct connection to the core...

Copyright 2014
Archie Papa...

Photo Credit...The Energy Core
                          by heri7

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Simple Paths of Energy

Without knowledge of the power in energy we possess, it is all but useless. Without the ability to apply knowledge we can feel like helpless victims of cause and effect. With seemingly endless cycles of life verses death, good verses evil, us against them and every other conflict that every took place on this planet. Then suddenly the bright light of truth will expose the simple paths of energy. Sometimes it might be just a few frames, other times it can be an overwhelming dawn of enlightenment. 

The truth is an idea, one that is witness to the division of pure energy. The core of the idea is where the paths of positive and negative energy split in one direction, and come together in the other direction. All the contributing factors in any decision are the result of energy viewed at this level. The decisions we make in life are ultimately a matter of how we direct simple energy. Every decision, no matter how spontaneous or well planned is a mathematical equation, and we simplify to ones and zeros along the these simple paths of energy. 

Care can be understood as the willingness to scan energy, with hope being the search for a positive majority. Kindness will broaden the search...

Copyright 2014
Archie Papa...

Friday, September 26, 2014

Finding the Center

We should all be able to feel the difference between right and wrong. That which proves to divide the simple nature of the energy around us. Using combined life experiences, or life wisdom to focus on the question at hand is truly the challenging part. We each carry life wisdom from the day we are born, we just focus it differently. With truth fixed as the center or highest value, balance allows focus into the depth of truth. The truth completely surrounds what is understood as reality. Reality can only exist within the gravity of truth. The answer to every question has a core or center, held together by the understanding of truth. That which you seek is at the center, regardless of what you might be looking for. Sometimes that which keeps the truth out of our view, would be the very reason we are searching.

Knowledge should be the horizontal axis left and experience the right. We must learn our right from left, this and all knowledge must be applied to navigate and find direction both on land and in life. Love and fear stand as poles at each end of the emotional spectrum. Being born from love, we can sense true north like a balanced compass. The draw of positive energy may be subtle at times, but instinctive recognition of its vibration will be realized with time. With experience and knowledge level in horizontal balance we gain intuition. And by completely saturating negativity with positive energy we are left with vertical emotional balance. When these four points balance around a centered value of truth (and not self) forward looking intuition is focused with the sharpness of experience past. With balance and focus we tap into and utilize life wisdom. 

When the energy of thought is linked and charged with emotional reserves, we reroute and code energy. We code energy for every thought we have, each word we speak, and all actions and movements we make. Coded energy forms everything from the depths of imagination to the details of expression. 

You can feel and think for yourself, you have everything you need to find the center. From the stillness of balance, the truth can be felt to its core...

Copyright 2014
Archie Papa...