Saturday, October 18, 2014

Time and Energy

Thoughts are energy, the simple sum of their components. The energy that is thought is in motion, flowing positive and negative and fluid with time kept in rhythm with our heartbeats. Every human being shares energy between our own heartbeats and brainwaves, and our bodies and lives take shape around this energy.  What influences our thinking, influences our actions. We are simple energy at the core, taking complex paths in expansion. 

Time is an idea we have, a developed concept the mind uses to count and keep pace. Perfectly spaced units of measure to place all that exists and might exist around to grasp understanding of. What is constant is that we share this one basic idea. The origin of thought and the ideas they form are yet a mystery, from the depths of the imagination like stars in the universe. The concept of time is used to imagine the past and future in real time, which is simply the here and now and the structure of reality. This vast and seemingly endless concept is built around a simple function of distance. These moments in life, precious as they may be and each one in particular, the earth travels approximately 176.94 miles (284.76 k) in distance around the sun. 

And from light years to nanoseconds we measure and count to understand complex systems, all with a shared value or idea of time based solely on an earth cycle. We also share a core value of truth from the simplicity of numerical truth. Everything understood as true, and all that is considered knowledge becomes centered around this value, including the concept of time. We've fixed our understanding of time around a distance we are traveling (motion), based on the effects of the suns gravity on the earth. The concept of time is ancient, a seemingly necessary step to forming the understanding of dimension in reality with a past, present, and future. The mind uses time as a reference and unit of measure, precisely multiplied and divided to better understand systems of the earth and living things on it. As we look to the stars, we might consider a concept of time based on a more universal nature of energy. The fundamental properties of energy inside us are also all around us. The closer we focus inside, the better we'll see outside. On a truly universal scale, our concept of time would be shallow and self centered. Perhaps it is. It is not that our concept of time is inaccurate, it has become less significant. Truth is not found on the ground, or discovered hiding somewhere, it is realized. Someday we might realize we've outgrown the concept of time. 

Our first experience with time began before we realized a core value of numerical truth, it was our mothers heartbeat. When we were born we kept time with our own. And at a very young age we are taught an ancient concept of time based on the shadow cast on a sundial, and so a natural measurement of time is overshadowed by the precision of knowledge. We've bound it to the bold value of truth, against nature. Energy is the heartbeat, time is the space between them. We are both time and energy, expanding the distance of life. Time is the motion of energy, regardless of what we're counting to measure it. Give the idea a few thousand miles of thought...

Copyright 2014
Archie Papa...

Inspired by the brilliant mind of Uniontera Ja.
"Existence is the time expressed by light"

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