Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Wave

Consider time for just a moment as a simple wave. The height and crest are the here and now, the present moment we never seem to leave. We've always been in motion, the result of having electrical energy in heartbeats and brainwaves process with emotional energy into awareness. Our bodies are complex electrical networks functioning and immersed in liquid rich networks, all functioning and supported on a mineral based network. In any given moment we are self contained systems, living on a larger self contained system. 

In front of the wave the future is vast and beyond focus at the horizon. We gaze into the future through the lens of the imagination, and focus with bursts of processed energy. The influence of positive and negative emotional energy is critical for pinpointing width and depth with things such as hope and doubt respectively like coordinates. We do not travel into the future, it is both drawn to the present and propelled by the past. Behind the wave is all of history, and we view it with the detail of memory. Any given moment in history is a point behind the wave. Milestones are coded into memory, marked by spikes in emotional energy. Further from the wave the vivid color and sharp lines might fade, but images fused with emotional energy are kept and date stamped into memory like buoys in time.

We are not bound or limited by energy or time, we are alive with them. 

Copyright 2015
Archie Papa...

Enhancing the Process of Thought

No matter how large complexities may become, simplicity will remain the smallest common component. Quantum logic might someday mature to enhance the entire process of thought. 

We may think nearly perfect simple thoughts, yet bursts of energy that form all types of expression are beautifully complex and flawed with the human element of emotion. The process of thought includes unique mixtures of emotional energy, and not one conscience moment of life is spent outside the spectrum of emotion influence. Our thoughts are infused with emotional energy to arrange every word we say and write, each note we play, and every brush stroke we make. Once this is energy is bonded, life itself can become the page, the instrument, or the canvas. What we are thinking can have bold or very subtle emotional recognition. We can attempt to think around our emotions, or we can simply think with them. If we try to control or subdue their powerful influence, we typically lose emotional balance and over-correct as a result. Any imbalance or wobble will take precious time to settle, and often counteracts what can be described as vibrations of happiness. This vibration is a universal link, holding fast to love and laughter without a need for language. Our best, clearest, and most intelligent thoughts are ideas formed within this vibration, and radiate only from a balanced or stable emotional platform. 

The energy of thought travels time and space along a path from curiosity to understanding, across an emotional plane. That which makes a child's mind so incredible receptive and able to flood in knowledge, is the absence of obstacles in the view of understanding, combined with the purity of emotional innocence. The path of higher awareness might become apparent when we can effortlessly balance the emotional plane, and use that precious energy to rapidly quantum simplify obstacles that block understanding. Processing thought scientifically, we attempt to divide the energy of thought from emotion to focus and search countless layers of knowledge to find transparency. Quantum logic will use combined energy to identify core elements of an obstacle, to break it down and completely remove it. Without obstacles of complexity, we might clearly understand the simplicity in all things...

Copyright 2015
Archie Papa...