Monday, October 19, 2015

Each Given Moment

We each view the past in memory through a unique emotional lens, and fine tune and focus the view across the emotional spectrum. With focus we pinpoint and utilize the vastness of memory. Emotional energy fuses a type of 'time code' into memory, as we both understand and feel the passing of time in harmony. Strong spikes in emotional energy can easily become date stamped into memory, like buoys marking history in a great ocean of time. 

The mind structures time as a past, present, and future, although we sense the motion of time only within the present. Like the crest of a wave in motion, the present is drawn to our consciousness by the energy in which we feel it. From the moment we're born our energy is in constant motion, and the space between birth and death are but moments connected by the motion of energy perceiving time. The energy in our emotions will fuse with that of conscious thought bearing a sense of time within the abyss of awareness. We find ourselves fluid with time to structure the concept of reality, and to fit all we percieve into each given moment.

We live in the present, view the past in memory, and we imagine the future...

Copyright 2015
Archie Papa...

Monday, October 12, 2015

The Energy of Life

The energy we hold and use is ours to direct and redirect within the timeframe of life. This energy is truly a lifelong source of our emotions, thoughts and actions. The powerful reverse image and process of itself is how energy structures memory and countless volumes of knowledge kept. All that we create is from the directing of energy, and what is created is simple evidence of its motion in time. All things move forward with time, and by coding energy in its reverse image we structure memory in layers to contain knowledge. Everything we feel and learn is coded into memory, and finding those codes in real time is the vision of insight. We might equally direct energy between heartbeats and brainwaves, but in the reverse process we form codes unique and individual to each our own experience of life. We glance the reverse image in memory and link codes of knowledge to understand that which we look forward to perceive. We form knowledge from energy, and then form experience from knowledge. The energy of emotion and that of thought bond to create the space where awareness exists, and moves within the expanding nature of time. 

After the energy between our heartbeats and brainwaves is without motion, time will collapse upon itself within that unique space. We all share the inherent nature of simple energy observed both on the earth and in the universe before us. Energy will be only redirected, as it will not cease. Our lives are held within a framework of time, one our energy will not be contained by...

Copyright 2015
Archie Papa...

The Gravity of Truth

Gravity keeps us on solid ground, but a gravity of truth keeps us in reality. So by chance we don't float away somewhere in the wonder of imagination. It's when the mind drifts into imagination we return with ideas, like the one that found these words to explain itself. We motion to and from imagination to speak freely and from the heart, to create works of art, to improvise with musical instruments. From this motion we are inspired write without the restrictions of ego, fear, prejudice or pride. Those who keep a clear view of reality will maintain a very high value of truth. They understand that everything that happens passes with time and within this gravity, simply by happening. When we recognize this core value of truth in others, we feel the bonds of honesty and so begins trust. What builds the pillars of trust does not destroy them, it may only rebuild them. 

We can only slightly influence the gravity of truth here in reality, but we can never escape it. Although we can easily overcome its effects with the energy of thought, and effortlessly leave reality with short bursts into the boundless depths of imagination. Outside of reality and within imagination, emotional energy is distinctive and unmistakable. Here, love is purely the light by which we can see past the darkness of fear. In the mind, everything we understand is illuminated by the love that created us, and taught us to learn for ourselves, and thus to understand. And just as the sun shines on this earth to those who will see it, love shines on the souls of those who will feel it. This is what truth feels like.

Copyright 2015
Archie Papa...

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Mirror of Self-Image

By chance or by will, the mind creates the ego to perceive the self-image. Those who seek a similar likeness with other human beings form a positive mindset in the duality of thought, and in what structures a black and white image of reality. In the subtle gravity of attraction, connections are made in simple likeness and begin to fill the image with color. Light is reflected and true to each color in the spectrum. The ego survives on emotional energy, and it cannot be starved or washed away with attempts to subdue or control emotion. Every word spoken, each brush stroke, and every note we may sing is first reflected through the mirror of self-image. Where a thought has a sole audience in the ego, we lace those thoughts with emotional energy to bring them to life within every act of expression. In feeling a need to express ourselves, we think of a way to do so.

Although the contrast shapes the image of reality, the path we take is free to choose. Those who play in the shadows of negativity can eventually become lost in its darkness. And with those who seek the differences in the negative, I simply choose not to be. In only a positive mind setting or accepted influence can the vibration of happiness be felt. Ultimately the burden of stored, processed, and expressed negativity will bring a waste of energy and time. All things within reality are a matter of energy and time. So mine remains by will.

Copyright 2015
Archie Papa...

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Dear Humanity,

Dear Humanity,

There are two and only two types of human beings, each of which you were born from. The mind is within one of these two types, regardless of what else the ego may label the whole body to be. A single being from two individual beings will naturally bear duality, as it connects us to the method in which energy itself flows. From birth, we are immersed in the positive energy that sources love and naturally divides from fear at either end of the emotional spectrum. The care and value for what has become life, is of the positive nature love instills. If we are to come to an age where these words can be read, it is from a beginning founded with positive energy in the actions and care of love. 

Thought is processed into understanding with the motion of energy, which generates unmeasurable momentum. The momentum of positive energy overcoming the negative has and always will propel humanity forward. It is a simple love of discovery that overcomes a massive fear of the unknown. And as negative energy overpowers the positive, the momentum of negativity is born. Gaining speed, negativity is channeled through the emotional influence of fear to support anger and hatred, greed and arrogance. When negativity is allowed to gain enough momentum, it will be absorbed by the energy of thought and quickly reach critical charge. When critical negativity is reached in the mind, a simple process of thought is rerouted with doubt or severed with denial. The value of truth is either lost or forgone. Where a positive energy mindset uses forgiveness and acceptance, the negative uses doubt and denial. 

Within the complexity of fear, humanity keeps hidden the need for war. As we advance medicine to save lives, we advance warfare to take them away. With negative energy we take and use the weapon at hand. With positive energy we take away the need for a weapon. Choose wisely.

One of us

Copyright 2015
Archie Papa...

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Wave

Consider time for just a moment as a simple wave. The height and crest are the here and now, the present moment we never seem to leave. We've always been in motion, the result of having electrical energy in heartbeats and brainwaves process with emotional energy into awareness. Our bodies are complex electrical networks functioning and immersed in liquid rich networks, all functioning and supported on a mineral based network. In any given moment we are self contained systems, living on a larger self contained system. 

In front of the wave the future is vast and beyond focus at the horizon. We gaze into the future through the lens of the imagination, and focus with bursts of processed energy. The influence of positive and negative emotional energy is critical for pinpointing width and depth with things such as hope and doubt respectively like coordinates. We do not travel into the future, it is both drawn to the present and propelled by the past. Behind the wave is all of history, and we view it with the detail of memory. Any given moment in history is a point behind the wave. Milestones are coded into memory, marked by spikes in emotional energy. Further from the wave the vivid color and sharp lines might fade, but images fused with emotional energy are kept and date stamped into memory like buoys in time.

We are not bound or limited by energy or time, we are alive with them. 

Copyright 2015
Archie Papa...

Enhancing the Process of Thought

No matter how large complexities may become, simplicity will remain the smallest common component. Quantum logic might someday mature to enhance the entire process of thought. 

We may think nearly perfect simple thoughts, yet bursts of energy that form all types of expression are beautifully complex and flawed with the human element of emotion. The process of thought includes unique mixtures of emotional energy, and not one conscience moment of life is spent outside the spectrum of emotion influence. Our thoughts are infused with emotional energy to arrange every word we say and write, each note we play, and every brush stroke we make. Once this is energy is bonded, life itself can become the page, the instrument, or the canvas. What we are thinking can have bold or very subtle emotional recognition. We can attempt to think around our emotions, or we can simply think with them. If we try to control or subdue their powerful influence, we typically lose emotional balance and over-correct as a result. Any imbalance or wobble will take precious time to settle, and often counteracts what can be described as vibrations of happiness. This vibration is a universal link, holding fast to love and laughter without a need for language. Our best, clearest, and most intelligent thoughts are ideas formed within this vibration, and radiate only from a balanced or stable emotional platform. 

The energy of thought travels time and space along a path from curiosity to understanding, across an emotional plane. That which makes a child's mind so incredible receptive and able to flood in knowledge, is the absence of obstacles in the view of understanding, combined with the purity of emotional innocence. The path of higher awareness might become apparent when we can effortlessly balance the emotional plane, and use that precious energy to rapidly quantum simplify obstacles that block understanding. Processing thought scientifically, we attempt to divide the energy of thought from emotion to focus and search countless layers of knowledge to find transparency. Quantum logic will use combined energy to identify core elements of an obstacle, to break it down and completely remove it. Without obstacles of complexity, we might clearly understand the simplicity in all things...

Copyright 2015
Archie Papa...

Monday, February 2, 2015

Intelligent Energy

From the simplicity of fear comes the complexity of deception and the volatile nature of hatred. From the negative emotional energy in fear comes the selfishness of greed, and the swollen pride centering arrogance. These are ultimately what transcend into the use and need for war. Within the mindset of fear, negativity thrives and infects knowledge. While advanced technologies in space exploration, astronomy, and medicine overcome a fear of the unknown with a love for discovery, advanced weaponry is from an all together different core. Those advances in weaponry might seem to be of intelligent design, but in reality the premiss or core of their ideas have only the simple fear of an enemy at center. Every thought has a link with the emotional energy that supports it. With an adult mind we form assumptions to pretend this world could never again achieve or maintain peace. Negativity can infect logical thinking. First by inducing fear into the imagination, and then using a tainted imagination to overpower doubt into denial or assumption to override logic. An internal struggle within the energy of thought is the signature effect of negative energy, and the more we struggle the deeper we become entangled. Struggling until negativity reaches a critical charge. With the onset of time, the longer we hold negativity processed by fear and channeled as hatred, the more apparent an emotional scar appears. The scars of negativity are commonly known and felt as regret. 

Love can also override logic with the grace of forgiveness, to wash emotional scars away. If they are not washed clean, negativity will relentlessly attempt to have the imagination conceal them. When we forgive ourselves it can be understood as acceptance, this understanding confirms what was previously thought of as a scar was actually an illusion of negativity. When a memory of a physical action is considered a scar, negativity is hard at work. As only love can do, hope is fused with compassion into forgiveness, and delivered to others by what become acts of kindness. And with an influx of emotional energy, the energy of thought becomes the energy of action. We are alive with bonded emotional and physical energy. 

It's from the power of love we can set down our weapons, and the fear that keeps the need for them. Higher intelligence does not exist outside balanced emotional energy, as the nature of our own and all energy will not be destroyed. What is wasted on conflict is needed for momentum to reach these higher levels. With a thirst for knowledge we reach, with understanding and experience we climb, and with each startling realization we admire the view...

Copyright 2015
Archie Papa...